Thursday, May 24, 2012

Realizing what's in front of you.

Times like these, people never really take the time and realize what’s in front of them; life. We are so consumed with work, school and technology, that it takes over are lives completely. Society has become molded into this routine, where expectations are met; this mad mad world we live in.

A great philosopher of China, Lao Tzu, once wrote, “Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires.” As a child, we never come to realize what the future will be like, the aspects we will be challenged to face. Life at a young age is simple; easy. Some more than others, who don’t get to experience that simplicity. We get older; there are tasks to complete and fears to overcome. When is there a time to let go of everything and embrace the life that’s around us? Is there ever a time to let go? We overdue things in life that we never realize the beautiful things: family, close friends, our pets and even the objects we own.

A flaw that we have, that’s something we can’t control or make go away, is our desire for unnecessary things. We are human; it comes naturally to have the desire that satisfies us inside and out. But too much of something can eventually out due a person. It can lead to fatal emotions, addiction, and even death. We need things, people, to satisfy us, to make us feel good inside. Even if our desires overcome us, at times, letting go of we want isn’t always bad.

Life as we know it is unbearable at times. We go through life questioning are selves the mistakes we’ve caused, the decision we make and the emotions we feel for people. Life is never easy, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take a break and embrace life with the close people that matter the most. Letting go of people we care about can be painful, but if means to heal the soul, regain our inner personality, then some decisions are too be made.

All the small things in life become worth wanting than something larger. Materialistic things become nothing but objects that occupy are space and time. Accepting the little things can be meaningful, enjoying, pleasing. Dinner with a friend, a movie night, a scoop of ice cream; small things that makes us happy, feel safe, are worth cherishing. Life is short; not knowing when the end will come, we need to let go of the bad stuff that molds are lives and realizing that there’s more to life than the duties we have to complete.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Love .. What does it ever mean? An uncontrollable emotion that’s within us. A desire for a particular person or object. Love in many cases comes differently within people, depending on their view and what they themselves feel.

Valerie Lombardo once wrote, “To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed.” It’s tragic, wanting someone so bad that it’s impossible to grasp, to keep, to hold. The feeling of desire deep down inside and having to tame it with no saying. I have seen many cases where girls or guys become fond of a particular person but never having the chance to speak to them or even become acquainted. The feeling is painful, wanting and dreaming to be with that person and thinking “Do I have a chance?” or “I wish we can be together and forget about everything else”, questioning ourselves of whether that day will come. The day of first encountered love.

We as humans establish these feelings for people that become meaningful to our lives, because it’s in our nature to be comfortable with who we want to be with. Is dreaming ever truly bad? Is fantasizing of wanting what can be, a distraction to the mind? It doesn’t always seems what it appears, imagining that person day and night and getting a satisfying feeling out of it. After a while it becomes painful. Lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling or staring at various objects in the room and thinking of what would happen when that day would come; the exhilarating feeling of being with that person you truly love and the moment where the world just stops, staring into each others eyes and embrace lips with chills running down the body. But at the end it was all a dream. Returning to reality and realizing that it was nothing but a desired image that can never become to be.

No one likes to face reality, which is the reason why we dream. Picturing in our minds of something perfect, something real. The desire we have for people and not knowing of whether or not their will be a day of companionship.

Dreaming. What do you dream about?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Second Chances

What if there were no second chances given? You would have one shot and one shot only. Would it make the situation easier or difficult?

Danielle Ingrum once said, “Give it all you’ve got because you never know if there’s going to be a next time.” There’s a time in ones life where second chances don’t happen, they only have one chance to overcome the situation and hope for the best and if all else fails, it sticks with the person and deals with the consequences. In my eyes, everyone deserves a second chance. When talking about relationships: they come and go, break ups and make ups, and for some than others always seem to turn back. That first phase of a relationship where everything is beautiful: every conversation is a laugh, a smile, the other persons smell becomes intriguing, every touch becomes an exhilarating feeling through out the body, leaving the person breathless. But unfortunately everything comes to an end. That first chance of love doesn’t always last. The pain is there but gradually fades away. Is their a second chance to love? We are human and it’s in are nature to go back and feel what’s right, giving another chance to start new, start fresh and become aware of the situation.

A second chance can reunite people and friendships. Troubled situations cause conflicts within people and aren’t able to cope with, and by giving another try, it could loosen the tension of the situation. First time tries are always intimidating, the first day on the job and first impressions become pressuring. It’s the first try to get the task done and hope to get it right. The pressures in life become difficult to cope with, wanting things too be perfect and get it right the first time.

Whether the confrontation between friends, coworkers‘, relationships and family, comes a point where theirs one chance to make things right because their might not be another time. Relationships come and go, and when given a second chance, it’s worth the while trying to make everything better again and create a new bond between two people. Just as friendships, meeting people throughout life and knowing every detail about that person; getting to know somebody isn’t a job, but a chance to meet someone new and keep a special place in one’s heart. But of course, every friendship isn’t perfect. Their are flaws in every aspect of any type of relationship, and that first encounter of a bond from someone else can make a big impact on ones life; not knowing when death will come and conflicting with companions can make a person realize that’s theirs precious time to not be wasted and their might not be another time of companionship.

Life is short. There are opportunities in life where they may not be established. But giving it another try or doing the best that there can be, may resolve into something good. Or maybe, just maybe a life changing experience.